Abandoned They Wake: Dissonance

It was supposed to be better, they were supposed to be safe there, in their childhood home, their manor. They had all the comforts one could need, one could want, and they had one another.
Yet things were bitter from the start. 

They acted different, they looked different, they were different.

Then their joys were plucked away until the unrest and complacency grew, setting them out to discover what they believed they had but never knew.

As the madness of their world became more apparent, their eyes slowly opened as they began to awaken.
Grab your copy to explore the world through THEIR Eyes! 

My readers say...

Pam W
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Being an avid reader, when I found out my old co-worker just had a book published I had to buy it! I’m only about a third of the way through it and I’m enjoying it a lot even though it’s not the type of story I usually read. It is very well written! Becky, you have an exceptional writing style!
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A lovely book about friendship and strength. Beautifully written, such a wonderful read. The author should be extremely proud of her first book.
Kayla Kropp
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Amazingly written! One of the “can’t put it down “ books I love! Had me from the moment I started reading it!

About the Author

I was born and raised in Minnesota, surrounded by lush trees, plenty of birds and squirrels, and coated in a beautiful layer of white snow in the winter. Being the youngest of three girls by eight years, I found myself occupying much of my time reading, playing games, and making up stories. Being an introvert, I enjoyed my alone time, going for solo bike rides, finding a tree to sit in with either my journal or dream diary, and noticing all the little and big things that made our world lovely and breathtaking.

Growing up, I struggled to find my passions, what I truly wanted, believed, and felt. Everything seemed to endlessly shift, one minute enjoying a new hobby, the next, being utterly bored. One of the few consistencies is my enjoyment of making a world even more wondrous in my mind – finding the magic in the mundane and the groundings in the fantastic. Mind filling with ideas and a gift with the written word, I swallowed my fear over rejection, over ‘not being good enough’, and sat down to begin writing.