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About The Author Marilyn Khasnabish

“With God All Things Are Possible”

Marilyn Khasnabish is a writer and an Author. She enjoys cooking and travelling. Her heart for intercession has led her to connect and pray with many in the body of Christ through houses of prayer and various prayer groups, especially for city transformation. Through writing this book, she has learned to follow her God-given dreams, believing that truly HE wants to do more than what she can imagine.

She has grown by learning to persevere, overcome personal obstacles, and break a big task into smaller, sizable chunks. Her desire to make a lasting impact on future generations led her to write this book.

Through her book, she hopes that you will be inspired to not only read the book but actively pursue your dreams knowing that your life matters as an instrument in the hand of the Lord to shape your surroundings and even history.

Marilyn's Journey To Becoming

An Author and A Leader!!

What Inspired You to Write This Book?

I was inspired by a number of things: mainly my long-time desire to influence others and make a lasting impact for generations to come within the Christian church at large. A sermon we preach is often forgotten, but words in a book can be visited time and again and there is a potential to reach many people.
As well, for as long as I can remember, I believe that the Lord has granted me a special insight into the book of Nehemiah found in the Bible and I wanted to share that with people, especially in the sense of how it can tie in with prayer.
I also wanted to draw people’s attention to the necessity of prayer and to awaken the desire to pray in people, specifically for their city, region, and nation.

What will your readers gain from your book?

After reading this book, believers will gain more insight into the book of Nehemiah with greater appreciation and knowledge, thereby assisting them to deepen their Biblical knowledge and walk with God.  They will gain an appreciation for leadership and see themselves as one if not already, and the vital role they can play in the work of God for the sake of the kingdom of God.
If they are discouraged, they can be encouraged to dream and hope again as they see how the promises of God are fulfilled in the nation of Judah in the Bible. There are also prayer points that can inspire them to pray for leaders and others in their community and church.

What was your unique quotient for this project?

I’m not sure if there was any real creative process other than just a desire to share what I see from the book of Nehemiah (found in the Old Testament of the Bible) with others and to inspire them. This is what drove me to complete this project and to help others see how prayer is tied to this book and how and why we should pray. 
I think writing this book was more a matter of a labor of love for the body of Christ and to inspire others to pray and catch the same vision which I have caught within the pages of this book of Nehemiah. 
Writing came down to a matter of discipline to finish what I had envisioned, as sharing my thoughts and understand with others. 

How did becoming an author helped in your business?

Becoming an author has helped me more as a person in terms of personal growth spiritually speaking. I learned about the faithfulness of God to bring personal prophecy and our desires to pass.  I learned practically, the truth of the scriptures and waiting on God to see His faithfulness to fulfill promises. He is dependable. 
I learned that the desires I have are not things that He does not want to fulfill and that He is waiting on me more than me waiting on Him. I also learned that what seems impossible can be made possible with determination, hard work, and perseverance despite obstacles. 
I learned that what I think is meant for others, is also meant for me and that desires are meant to be fulfilled. 
I also learned that big goals can be achieved simply by being broken down into small manageable daily tasks to see eventual completion.  Through writing this book, I feel a great sense of accomplishment and a feeling of part of my destiny being fulfilled. It has inspired me to achieve more and take on other goals which are big as well.

What are your future plans as an author?

I plan to write many more books on different topics as well as to help counsel people with prayer ministry for the breakthrough of impossible/difficult situations in their lives to be solved. As well, it is more desirable to become an ordained minister thereby aiding many more people spiritually. I also hope to inspire others to pray consistently and persistently for the nation of Canada and beyond through books, group, and individual prayer and provide tools that will aid people toward that endeavor.