Finally... an “Everything Included” program that's helped thousands get their Dream Job

Get Your Dream Job In Next 60 Days (Or Less)

Learn the unconventional but proven step-by-step system to get your Dream Job, Even if you have little experience, no connections, or you don't have "enough" experience

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Let me ask you ...

Tired of not getting your resume noticed? Have you hit a wall with your job search?
Are you ready to start looking for a new job, but not even sure where to start?
Wallowing in self-doubt?
So worried you threw away tens of thousands on your degree you’d pretty much jump on any crumb of a position?
Spending countless hours trolling job boards or sending out hopeful resumes by the dozen, but you’re so frustrated because you’re not getting any callbacks?

You aren't alone.

Let’s face it, job searching can be a frustrating, confusing, and isolating process, especially when you’re looking for the job you REALLY want. Millions of individuals admit to submitting infinite job applications, attending multiple walk-ins, sitting in numerous interviews and at the end of the day, not getting a single offer letter for that ever-elusive dream job.

Do any of these sound familiar?
1.You want to be strategic with your job search, but you’re not sure how to maximize your time and energy. Every time you sit down to do some work, you feel paralyzed, like you’re not sure where to start or what to do first.
2.Now that you’re advancing in your career, you know that you need to be more intentional about the roles you pursue. You get that that applying to jobs online isn’t that effective, but you’re not sure how to find opportunities that you can get excited about (and that can pay the bills!).
3.You’re struggling with telling your story, especially when your career path is a little…non-linear. You know you have lots of great skills and values to bring to an organization, but you’re not sure how to communicate them in an effective way.
4.It seems like the “best practices” for your marketing materials such as resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn are changing all the time, and it’s virtually impossible to keep up. You know you need to be up on the latest trends, but Googling can only get you so far.

And to add to all this, there’s the emotional toll of job searching. One minute you’re flying high after getting an interview, and the next you’re devastated after the role you’ve invested so much time in doesn’t pan out.
This process can take a hit on your confidence, and it can make you feel really alone. You can only vent to your family and friends so many times about your frustrations. They’re sympathetic and supportive, but they don’t really get it.
So you’re tired of going it alone, feeling stuck, and putting in the time and work but not seeing results.
You know something needs to change, but what?

Do you know: You don't know what you don't know!

Get Ready To See The Invisible: "THE ICEBERG ILLUSION"

We all have great career aspirations, but sometimes we lack the expertise or job search knowledge to make it happen.

Many job seekers make the mistake of assuming their amazing skills, knowledge and a killer resume is good enough to get them the job they really want. While it’s true that a finely-tuned resume is the first important step, acquiring the job of your dreams requires a series of carefully executed tactics to orchestrate the greatest chances of securing the role.

“98% of job seekers are eliminated at the initial resume screening and only the   “Top 2%” of candidates make it to the interview”, says Robert Meier, President of Job Market Experts

Introducing "Get Your Dream Job" Program, the ONLY course with the exact word-for-word scripts, job-search hacks, and psychological strategies to get your Dream Job

What you will learn:

Your Dream Job is out there. Get Your Dream Job is a complete program to Finding It, Landing It and Getting Paid what you’re Worth. You’ll get:
1. 4 Week Live Sessions of 2 hours each, starting January 2020
2. 6 months of exclusive access to the Professionals Slack Group

Identify and Improve Yourself

Increase Your Worth by Natural Networking

Marketing Materials Mastery

Illustrative Interviewing Skills and Impressive Salary Negotiation Scripts




Get Your Dream Job is Your Proven Roadmap, Just Follow These Simple Steps...


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Land your dream job!

Why GYDJ Program works

Wouldn’t it be nice to get momentum in your job search and check off those tasks you’ve been putting off? Like updating your resume? Dusting off the LinkedIn profile you haven’t updated since starting your last job? Finally setting up those networking coffees you’ve been thinking about but not acting on?

There’s a reason you haven’t gotten the results you want on your own. This work is hard. It requires tons of self-motivation, insight into your own strengths and weaknesses, and the ability to weather a lot of ups and downs.

That’s why we created the Bootcamp to be a fast-paced, intense program to help you get unstuck and get results. Our meetings each week are action-packed and fun, and you’ll leave each one with specific steps to take in the week ahead to ensure you’re on track toward your goals.

The program will give you the structure, tools and motivation you need to tackle the hard stuff that’s keeping you from taking the next step in your career. And the feedback, support and encouragement you’ll get from other group members will give you new clarity on your strengths and accomplishments and help you navigate the inevitable highs and lows of the job search.

Wouldn't it be nice to avoid the months, or even years, of frustration from trying to figure this out on your own?

I’ll help guide you with my proven system so that you can finally start seeing the results you’ve been looking for and land the job that you deserve. And remember, every day you spend spinning your wheels in frustration is another day that you could be living your dream life doing the job you love.
In fact, the average individual makes over $100,000 per year in the US… that’s over $8,300 per month, or $1,900 per week.
We’ve already helped hundreds of individuals land their dream jobs…
and every week that goes by you’re wasting $1,900…
how many more $1,900 paychecks are you going to miss cashing because you’re not following a proven system?

The time you lose struggling to find your
dream job could be literally costing you over
$1,900 per week.

When are you going to make the commitment to ending the costly suffering and starting a job that you really love?
Don’t let life pass you by while you sit on the sidelines and wonder “what if?”
Join Get Your Dream Job today and take control of your life—and finally land the job that you deserve.

Get Your Dream Job Is The Most Comprehensive and Interactive Course Ever Created and Specifically Designed To Help You Get Your Dream Job!

Join Us Now and See Exactly How You Can Find and Get The Job You Really Want

Get Your Dream Job Program

$1997 USD

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Get Your Dream Job Or Your Money Back

My mission is simple: help you land your dream job. If I can’t do that, I don’t want your money. It’s that simple.

If you fully commit and follow this system, you WILL get amazing results.

I guarantee that by taking this course, you’ll have more job opportunities than ever before. More
interviews, more job offers, more confidence that you’re on the right track.

I encourage you to take the ENTIRE DREAM JOB COURSE. Put my approach to the test. If it works, I’ll be thrilled — and your life will be forever changed.

If you’re not amazed at the quality of this program… send me an email at ANY TIME during the 60 days and show me you’re doing the exercises and not getting results. I’ll refund 100% of your price, I’ll even eat the credit-card
processing fees, and we’ll part as friends. I built this and I take responsibility for it.

And I’ve seen the results that Dream Job can bring to regular people, which is why I’m so confident that I can make this personal promise.

Your career is a long time. We can either wait to “figure it out” for 20 years….or we can take a step forward now. Sometimes, it just takes a little nudge to make all the difference.

If it works, nothing will ever be the same. And if it doesn’t, you’ve lost nothing and learned from highly tested email scripts that will, at the very least, boost your productivity. This 100% ironclad guarantee is for the entire 8 weeks of the Dream Job course — and it’s my privilege to offer it to you to remove ANY DOUBT of what you can achieve. I know you can do it.